10 November – 3 December 2021
The Eagle Gallery’s programme over the next six months revisits our 30 year history, in celebration of Tate’s acquisition in 2020 of the gallery’s archive. Forthcoming exhibitions feature work by artists long associated with the gallery, re-introducing historical works alongside current projects.
In an exhibition for the Eagle Gallery Cabinet Room Tom Hammick explores a motif that has been recurrent in his paintings and prints for many years. A man-made shelter – whether of wood, brick, or a transitory tent – acts as a focal point by which to speak of what it means to dwell within a landscape. Houses with windows lit suggest the human presence, or boarded up, denote the departure of communities whose ways of living have been eroded from the lands they inhabit. As if to hint at this transitory aspect a number of the recent works are left with areas unpainted, exposing the wooden supports on which the images are formed.
A selection of Hammick’s reduction woodcut prints hung in the gallery extend the theme on a larger scale. The landscapes of the prints are less literal than the paintings and take the images into the realms of the imagination. Alluding to traditions in the great era of Japanese ‘floating world’ woodcuts, the prints’ processes of hand-cut mark-making and overlaid layers of intense and unexpected colour, act in counterpoint to the directly made, small, oil on panel paintings.
From November 2021 – April 2022 alongside project exhibitions in the Cabinet Room, the gallery will be running monthly print sales with highlights from an expansive stock of contemporary prints by artists including Basil Beattie, Mandy Bonnell, Glen Baxter, Jane Bustin, Julia Farrer, James Fisher, Tom Hammick, Stanley Jones and Carolyn Thompson. Curated selections of vintage prints and artist’s books will be included, with opportunities to purchase rare and out of print editions.
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