8 – 24 December 2021
Mudlarks is a project by two artists long associated with the Eagle Gallery who have found connections in their individual approaches to painting. Dan Roach and Rebecca Sitar both make subtle, semi-abstract images that are derived from observations of things discovered in the world around them. Alighting on the idea of mudlarking (a term coined in the 19th century to describe impoverished people who searched the mudflats of the Thames in order to discover valuables they might be able to sell), they found poignancy in the concept of retrieving long-buried objects, whose original functions have become obscured by the passage of time. They have used the theme to create new bodies of work that will be shown this month in the Eagle Gallery Cabinet Room and at Oceans Apart, Manchester, in 2022.
Sitar writes in the catalogue published for the exhibition: ‘…another meaning attached to mudlark also captured our imaginations: that of a magpie-lark of Australian descent that builds its nest from mud. The term implies both earth and sky, the grounded and ethereal.
In painting, the physicality of earthed pigments equates to the very substance of mud. Its movement and traction may reveal or conceal, excavate or re-bury that which we may seek to find and shape and lose again.’
Featuring paintings from both exhibitions and an introduction by Richard Davey, hard copy catalogues are available from the gallery, price £8 plus postage.
Download Mudlarks catalogue here.
Dan Roach Mudlarks price list.
Rebecca Sitar Mudlarks price list.