James Fisher
14 July – 10 September 2022
The Eagle Gallery is delighted to present a solo exhibition of recent paintings by James Fisher.
Linden Lea explores ideas about art, memory and the imagination, through an overarching theme of landscape, in a body of work developed over the last two years that ranges from large oil on linen canvases to miniature oil paintings on panel.
Fisher’s paintings are at once hermetic and broad reaching. The paintings’ flattened out decorative schematics reference Japanese and Persian aesthetics and are often made over gold grounds into which idiosyncratic elements are introduced. Colour is heightened to an almost hallucinatory register and strange happenings take place within thickly leafed arboretums.
In a text for the exhibition Martin Holman describes the cumulative effect of Fisher’s paintings as having ‘something of the character of cantos or movements in a symphony that build a narrative or overarching theme.’. Painted in series their lush layers and textures celebrate a sense of nature apprehended – ‘Fisher’s new paintings express a spirit of place that exists between eye and mind, memory and imagination.’
14 July – 6 August open Wednesday – Friday 11-6pm, Saturday 11-4pm
10 August – 10 September open by appointment
James Fisher Linden Lea Catalogue
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